Penang Bridge News Resources: Traffic, Safety, Happenings, Development
:) -- Pandu Jimat, Jiwa Selamat. -- Pandu Ikut Peraturan, Bukan Perasaan. -- Berhati-hati di Jalan Raya. -- :)

Penang Bridge is the economic, sociologic backbone of Penang. Penang Second Bridge is in progress.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Skirmish between a criminal and a policeman on the Penang bridge

8 Aug , 2007 - It was a black day for commuters using the Penang Bridge. A skirmish between a criminal and a policeman on the Penang Bridge caused the traffic jam on the Penang Bridge for about 7 hours.

TheStar: Shot after high-speed chase
Kwongwah Daily: 闯路障警枪伤1人 槟大桥塞车7小时

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